Biyernes, Hunyo 10, 2022


 I dreaded the day you’ve come,

Bringing your bright smiles in a bun

Holding me like a long lost friend of yours

Your touch made my heart missed a beat or more.

I dreaded the day you’ve held me,

Like I was something yours to be

Why didn’t I think about it all from then on,

The sparks did not excite, it burned all along

I dreaded the day you’ve held my hand,

It felt like I was already yours, ready to brand

Somehow my blood felt alive when I’m with you

Trying, my soul dismissed what I felt for us two

I dreaded the day you kissed me back,

My soul took it hard and was blown from the attack

I held on a little bit in my mind for sanity

But I totally lost it, you were otherworldly.

You’ve made me yours, all yours

And I knew I could be this enamored

So when you asked me why I do love you,

A million things to say in my mind I knew

But my mouth won’t let me speak at all

I wasn’t ready to hear it from myself and fall

I don’t want to feel jealous when she holds you

But it’s something I don’t want you to know

I don’t want to feel pain when I know she kisses you at night

But it’s something I don’t have a right

I don’t want the torture of time, waiting 

But time was only what we have, our only something

I don’t want you going home at night,

But I cannot hold you forever in my sight.

So whenever she touches you, know that I am jealous

When she kisses you, know that I am envious

I’ve always said I was fine and all,

As whatever lifetimes, with you I’d want to fall

Fall beside you as we talked about life

Talk about whatever sexuality is and right

Argue on deep things as we bare our souls

Talk as if the world never existed at all

You draw me as if my soul walked lifetimes with you,

But I don’t know if I should push through

You asked me to leave, and walk away

And it crushed me a lot to say “Okay”

So watch me stay, impatient as I am

Watch me love you, from the scene behind

And whenever you cease to see motivation and drive,

Remember me, someone who holds you as my dear life.


 Father forgive me for I have sinned,

I don’t know how or when it started to cave in

Carved inside my mind and within my soul,

This woman raised me just to fall

The woman I see so kind and meek,

The woman who smiles, making me freak. 

Uncertainty was bustling, words were flying

Admission to a commitment, she had me dying

But for me she was so good to be true 

I am drawn and I cared less, can you blame me though? 

Am I to blame, with all these raging feelings?

Am I to blame, for seeing and wanting?

Am I to blame, when she makes this fist-sized organ give erratic beats?

Am I to blame, for asking this to be real and not just a matter of feats?

Her aroma is suffocating and I begged to die

Her presence draws stares, she is in itself, FIRE

To walk like she owns the room, a Leo by right

And amongst the pack, I wanted my Lioness in sight. 

As she masters over me, a parallel chaotic fiend

So Father forgive me, for I have unregrettably sinned


Tanned skin, sanpaku eyes, with a gloomy look and a cutting stare

With a silent smile, Mona Lisa’s mysteries would never dare

The walk of authority brewing with the air of elegance

Unwittingly lost on that womanly fragrance

With nothing I can do in my mind, just stare and burn,

Etched on my memories, her laughter and smile at every turn

And as I sit at the view where the sky meets the sea,

the shadow of the goddess darkens the light around me

Are you the light, pulling and calling me away from this empty void?

Or are you the fire, that burns my wings but leave me dead cold? 

So I care for naught as you blew life around me,

Only take them away, as you bid goodbye and walked away slowly.

You drew circles on the air with whispers of stories we never can tell,

As I get lost on the voice, the sexy mind and blooming feelings inside my shell

But I saw you move, I saw your eyes 

I saw the desire and the equal fire

So whisper to me sweet lady how I should dance with you,

In this waltz where I sold my soul for us two

Scar in me the initials of your name,

The same damn name burned in the back of my brain

Brand my body with every ideas you have,

As I willingly succumb to the dark and pain just for this kind of love

But think not that I am a slave of yours,

As a wolf is a gentleman with a nice guy’s clothes

To think that I am innocent is a mere error,

For you may be the Goddess of Lust and Desire 

but I am the Lord of Pleasure.

Biyernes, Agosto 6, 2021

Age of Empires III (Campaigns)


It's rarely been an occurrence for me to create a simple blogs for games. But anyways, here's my take on Age of Empires III which falls under Microsoft.

Filipino's usually don't spend time working out on this games, like real strategy games and you will only come across few ones. This type of games comes off as boring to some but I have played Age of Empires II before and stopped, but came back again to rediscover it's series, Age of Empires III.

Age of Empires III in PC version was released in 2005 and it's Mac version was on 2006. Age of Empires is a real-time strategy game by Microsoft Corporation. AoE III has 2 expansions packs: AoE III: The Warchiefs and AoE III: Asian Dynasties.


The Age of Empires III is narrated through out it's campaign story in Amelia Black's point of view. 

The First Act is titled Blood and tells the story of Morgan Black wayback 16th century who was a commander under The Knights of St. John who is defending Malta against Sahin from the Ottoman Empire. As Sahin's armies flee, Morgan and his friend Alain discovered this library with scripts and stories pointing out to the Fountain of Youth and a society called The Circle of Ossus. During the campaign, you will encounter Elisabet Ramsey (a.k.a. Lizzie of the Pirates) but will defeat her. The story is a little bit tricky as it will have mix of traitorous acts and foes becoming friends but that's how the world goes. 

The Second Act, Ice, then proceeds to the story of Morgan's grandosn named John Black. John has a Mohawk friend named Kanyenke, and this two will be attacked by General Warwick of Britain while they are in Brunswick. The duo will liberate Brunswick but at the expense of John uncle, named Stuart. John finally admits to Kanyenke that he is inlove with his sister, Nonahkee. They will then join the French Army in the Seven Years' War and with Colonel George Washington, tracks down Warwick who will ally himself with the Russians. John's last stand will be bombing the snowy mountain, killing himself and Warwick along with the Russians and the Circle of Ossus' troops in an avalanche. Kanyenke then returns to find Nonahkee giving birth to John's son, Nathaniel.

The last Act titled Steel takes place in the narrator's timeline who is Nathaniel's daughter and heiress named Amelia Black. Amelia black owns the Falcon Company, a railroad company that will expand their interests. Amelia then meets French prospector Pierre Beaumont, who leads her along with Commander Cooper to a Colorado mine where old Kanyenke lives. Kanyenke warns Amelia that Beaumont leads the Circle of Ossus. One of Beaumont's wolf kills Cooper while they search at the Lake which has now turned into a swamp. Amelia and Kanyenke chases Beaumont to an Incan city meeting Simon Bolivar along the way. Eventually they attack the last stronghold in Cuba called the Ossuary and the riches they acquired was used to expand the business. The end scene is where an old man congratulates Amelia Black for breaking the Circle. It would be righteous to assume that it was Morgan Black, whose life was extended when he drank a small portion of the water's lake in the ending of the first act.


The original Age of Empires III was a cool story with twists and turns in it's plot that makes it beautiful. They also introduced the concept of Home Cities and the level-up of an Era. So when you notice in it's game play, you can customize the Home City and as you gain experiences and buildings, your army will also improve and you end up from Discovery Age to Imperial Age. Fortresses are present too for special types of soldiers.


The additional concept to this expansion is the use of stealth. So The Warchiefs takes more focus on the tribal part of the story. Still in the Black's family point of view, and their home city is the Black Family Estate.

The First Act titled Fire starts from Nathaniel Black (father of Amelia Black from the original campaign and child of the late John Black with Nonahkee as the mother and his uncle, Kanyenke). The story starts with Nathaniel and Kanyenke conversing with the Mohawks and Seneca an discouraging them to fight in the American Revolutionary War. The Hessian mercenery Col. Sven Kuechler took Nonahkee and raided their village. Col. George Washington then enters the scene and took commands, leading to a string of victories. This campaign shows how Nathaniel Black wasted the whole family's fortune in helping in the American Revolution, with him returning as a poor man in Yorktown.

The Second Act titled Shadow tells the story of Chayton Black, the son of Amelia Black who is half-Lakota and is expanding the Falcon Railroad Company. He winds up in the middle of Red Cloud's war where he helps defend against the Sioux and became friends with Fort Laramie's William Billy Holme. Ten years later, he revisits Holme and finds he is now sheriff and informs him of a gold rush in the Black Hills of Dakota. Chayton looks for Crazy Horse, the Sioux chief but Holme's ambushes them leaving Crazy Horse dead and wrecking up negotiations. Once the fort is completed, Holme's forces Chayton to eradicate a Sioux village without mercy and this is where Chayton chose to side with the Sioux. General Custer arrives and Chayton recounts his tale of how Holme's was the cause of all the unrest. Chayton eventually shoots Holme when they meet in the end. Chayton then asks Custer not to kill the Sioux but Custer made him decide to side whether with them or against them. Chayton left and battled with Custer where Amelia narrates she never saw her son again, recounting either he died along with his cavalrymen or living a life with his wife in the Black Hills.


The Warchief Expansion takes into keen detail the different tribal characteristics so you will notice that in the gameplay, Trading Posts always gives an advantage much like in the Second and Last Act of the original campaign story. Always try to build Trading Posts, they can generate soldiers and different clans introduces different kinds of warriors so be diverse and do all the secondary objective, map discovery can be quite fun.


    This Age of Empire's storyline is now focused on the Asian countries namely Japan, India and China. Unlike the rest of the series in AoE III, this is the only expansion that does not revolve along the Black Family story.

The Japanese Campaign is based on the Unification of Japan and on the establishment of the Tokugawa Shogunate. The young general named Sakuma Kichiro meets up with Daimyo Mototada at the Siege of Osaka which they stormed the castle. They then moved to eliminate villages that may support Tokugawa's enemy who is Daimyo Uesugi Kagekatsu. Later then on, another enemy of Tokugawa named Ishida Mitsunari threatened Mototada's estate and Mototada had to leave Kichiro. Kichiro evetually learns from an Oda clan samurai that he is not an adopted orphan but was orphaned when Tokugawa razed an entire village killing Kichiro's parents. Mototada confirmed them when they eventually met but reminds Kichiro of the Samurai Code and his loyalty. Kichiro decided to help Mototada with Mototada forcing him to leave along with his villagers. Mototada then committed seppuku leaving Kichiro and Tokugawa eventually battling together and winning, making Tokugawa the Shogun of Japan. Kichiro leaves Tokugawa in the final scene, riding his horse with the voiceover of Mototada about loyalty to one's own mastter.

The Chinese campaign tells the story of a Ming Captain named Jian Huang who dreams of the outside world along with Lao Chen, a large and crude sailor. The Treasure Ship was attacked by pirates and under the orders of the spoiled and selfish Admiral Jinhai, who us the nephew of the Emperor, the duo saved the fleet and traveled west. They evetually landed in India, battling Indian Zamorin to save Jinhai. They continue to travel west even when other ships turned back where they eventually landeed on Yucatan where crews where imprisoned by Aztec warriors. The story became sour when they discovered that it was Admiral Jinhai who manipulated the Aztecs thinking he was a God and siding with the Indian Zamorin to eliminate the crew. They killed Jinhai in the end and removed any trace of their presence, sailing back to China.

The Indian Campaign is about the Rebellion of a Sepoy member serving the British East India Company. The character, Nanib, was a member of the Sepoy regiments who became disillusioned with the cruel and abusive ways the Company was treating his fellow Indians. His superior, Colonel Edwardson, regained control of saltpeter in Punjab and defeated arsonists in Calcutta. While Nanib tried to reason with the arsoninst, Edwardson ambushed them leaving Nanib confused and visibly shaken. The nail was driven finally when Edwardson ordered Nanib to use a rifle greased with pork fat that is a taboo to them. He took the rifle and shot one of his soldiers. The Rebellion then started with Nanib and Pravar Patel leading a regiment of sepoy to free Bahadur Shah II. Battle after battle eventually ensues that led to Edwardson's death.


        Unlike the original campaign and The Warchief Expansion, the Asian Dynasties introduces another way of leveling called Wonders. The villagers needed to build Wonders so that a civilization may advance, this makes advancement very unique from the other two campaign storylines. Another thing I've noticed was the limited number of houses one can build. Unlike the two, Asian Dynasties only allows a villager to build specific number of houses that still equates to 10 people per house, making population generation faster but more prone to population loss when a house is destroyed. Aside from that, buildings are also limited such that there are minimum numbers of building that can be built unlike previously where you can place any building, anytime and  anywhere so build wisely. China also has this Treasure Ship where it generates supplies regardless of the location.

        And most of all, the best concept they added are the pre-organized soldiers in the War Academy. The first two would require that each soldier will be generated based on how many you want and what type of soldier, in Asian Dynasties example India or China, you can click on a Soldier Set and then a single training can generate 4 specified soldiers that specialize in different forms of combat. Like 2 horsemen with 2 pikers etc, which is like a Soldier Combo. You cannot customize but it saves a great deal of time specially when there's a surprise ambush going on whilst you are raiding or destroying other settlements.

    Make note also of cross soldiers from other races when you ally up in the Consulate. You can have different types of soldiers regardless of campaign AND YOU WILL LOVE SIEGE EQUIPMENTS ESP in Japanese Campaign where every splint of wood goes kaboom (sighs in satisfaction). This Expansion also had me racking up MORE WOOD AND COINS than the first two campaign stories.

I'm not really a pro player but this is my take on the AoE III. Hope you had something to gain!

Lunes, Marso 8, 2021




Smoky pipes and silly wind chimes, a bass playing on repeat

I had my eyes on you, but you looked away.. is this defeat?

A small chuckle from your friend beside you, thought it was funny

but I can't keep my eyes off you, shit's never that easy.


That gathered wit and chance was never a good combo

As I delve into the abyss of loving you

You were beautifuL and more beautiful,

you were perfect and more. 

One-third of a dozen years loving you, 

but just one third of three years being beside you

we were apart and you never felt it

we were apart and it broke my wit.

To those times I wished you were beside me,

to the times I wished I could hold you

for the moments I missed being beside you

for the moments I wished, loVed and wished more of you.

It's funny really, as wishing is for the impossible and hoping is for the attainable

And so I look into the ocEan and think of you smiling

ironic, how you smile now keeps me scrolling for more while crying.

These tear-stricken face you will never see

for I want you to believe you deserve something more than me.

Here's a confession I'd like to make,

that after more than a Year of leaving 

I wished you had gone home to me and  kissed me,

hugged me, assured me and... stayed.

I have loved you more than anything, saw my future with yOu

but in this cruel conservative world that we live through

it will never accept me and you.

I don't see you weak, I see you strong

never think that for once, I hoped we never belonged.

Because it isn't easy to stay for something

that has no assUrance and perhaps time will eventually leave crumbling.

I have seen you happy without me, that's more than enough

Please never cry again, I hope I would always be the 'lesson' in your life

I wished I could have been more than just the ship in your shore,

but somebody else is set to be the home you will always adore

In times you'll forget, feel ugly and hopeless,

always remember someone like me behind lens loved you never the less

He may treat you and serve you like you're his only Princess,

but please ne'er forget me who made you my Queen and my love for you, priceless.   





Back to Blogger


    So basically, these past few years I have been quite busy with my career and things were quite getting offhand. I took on a job since 2017 and worked my ass off since then. The year 2018 came with a rush, I took on a Master's degree, same for the year 2019 (where I thought I would be able to graduate) but that was the year I had learned how to work smart not hard. 

I flunked my Master's Comprehensive Exam and took on a refresher course, it was also at that time where the dreaded DENGUE SEASON came. Flash forward, I was taking my final semester in Master's and was awaiting for my exam schedule so I could shove the Thesis at my throat when COVID came.

YEP. And I had a hard time trying to stay alive and working to ensure the community stays safe. Worked on Facilities and even had arguments with higher-ups (that's just the way I am). This is the year 2021 and I managed to survive in the frontlines. 

But COVID was only the start.

During the pandemic, I had several things working on my mind that brought me several thoughts I had long forgotten.


I was busy with my lovelife and career in 2016 that I didn't pursue my dream. I had several reasons not to and I was adamant I will really survive. However, being imprisoned on that room with several other older colleagues, all the things I ever thought had crossed my mind.

It was really sad seeing all of them wishing they'd see their family, them lamenting that if it weren't for the big need of money they would have chosen to retire or work in the agricultural field (most of them owns several pieces of land by generations and though not quite large to be considered rich enough). I saw them being all hopeless as we were quarantined due to a local outbreak for the first time in our town.

That was the first time I saw their tear-stricken faces, their tired auras and the need for rest but they have children, they owe loans to banks and their husbands are earning next to nothing. They had to take on the reins of working because their husbands can't, won't or will never be able to work again. It was hard. They are paid constantly but it would never get bigger. And that's when I asked my self... do I plan to stay here forever? Don't get me wrong, government service pays big but the question is, when will you be able to enter? You will earn big during working, earn pension after but it would take the toll on you. 

I then took on my passion for learning. Stupid as I may be sometimes, but I hunger to learn new things. It was fascinating trying and knowing things I don't know, I even had a thing once for coding but I erased it as it would take me a few years to learn it on my own. My passion is to learn and taking up Medicine will eventually lead me to it. With this I had my core reason.

And a young 24-year old me thought about this for the next 19 days in quarantine.

When I got out, the first thing I did was to check on my college classmates. Most of them who works are now travelling, getting engaged or in other businesses, only few of them took up medicine and who's accounts are silent or dried up I don't even know if they are active anymore. This reminded me of the saying, "If you want to be great, you must disappear."

This was a road less taken.

I checked on NMAT and their registration period would already be in 2 days. I had to decide. And I secretly took the exam, paying everything straight from my minimum jobs wallet. I had to lie in their faces of why I had to go home early from work, of why I don't stay up late in drinking and binging sessions with my bros and why I had to lock up myself every night, working my ass off studying except for Sundays.

(For those taking up NMAT (Online Exam) in PH, goodluck! Notes are available online, I can point you to some references I used.)

I took it last January 30 and passed with 87 as my score. It was not that good but it was not bad too. My previous NMAT was 68, so for me, that was a wow factor. Four years working on the job and zero interaction with those test items, a few weeks of studying and pulling 87 was an achievement for me. It won't be great for you but it was great for me. XD

Fast forward and now, I am trying to apply in an infamous school known for their streaks of topnotcher physicians. I hope I get on with my dream school and start a new chapter of my life, this time with my dream and a decision with my choice. The feeling is different, it's exhilarating. It's like I've been waiting for this for all of my life. And this feeling was different when I was taking my Master's degree, failed or pass, it was as if 'nah, it's fine I will try harder again'.

So this must be the feeling of eagerness, of striving for things you yourself chose.

I won't promise to be frequent but I would try to revive this page time by time. 

Sabado, Disyembre 2, 2017

Bucari Mountains, Leon - A Travel to the Top of Leon


The town of Leon is accessed via jeepney. So after you land in the beautiful city of Iloilo, take a jeepney in route to the small Wet Market of Jaro. The Jaro Wet Market is at the back of the Cathedral and is accessible to several jeepneys like Jaro Liko, NFA (which turns nearest to the Market) and  SM City Leganes via Aquino Ave. (drops you off the side of the Wet Market). Arriving at the Jaro Wet Market, ask around or you can look for the jeepney with the label Leon at the side.

So travelling to Leon takes like an hour from the City of Iloilo, during the travel ask the 'konduktor' to drop you off at the town or to the area where you can catch a ride to Bucari. But beware, there is a feud between these people which brings me to the three options in travelling to Bucari.

So you may take:

A. VIA JEEPNEY - After being dropped at the town, another jeepney may take you to Bucari, Leon. But be warned that jeepneys MAY OR MAY NOT TRAVEL depending on the NUMBER of people planning to go to Bucari. This option may be CHEAPER but this requires vast amount of patience because you need to wait and a kilogram of Faith that a Jeepney will travel.

B. VIA TRICYCLE - They are in feud with the ones below. This is another option that you may take if you are travelling by group. A tricycle can take up to 5 or 6 person so it will take LESS TIME to fill up. Downside is, it WON'T BE REALLY DROPPING you at The Pine Forest Campsite but a Mini-Terminal near Bucari that will have motorcycle drivers that will bring you to the campsite itself. And lastly;

C. VIA MOTORCYCLE / SINGLE - They are in feud with the ones above. These motorcycle riders are the FASTEST but can a bit COSTLY than the two above. These people will bring you from the town to the Campsite itself for 150/person.

And we travelled by C. We were asked by a 'konduktor' if were planning to travel to Bucari and I answered Yes, so he asked if we already have a 'sundo' and we told him we were going there by ourselves so he told me that he knows someone who can take us there.


Technically, if you can't handle a motorcycle well, this isn't the road for you. The road was literally, Deathly. These roads were paved and cemented but it doesn't remove the fact that it was built along the mountainside, so basically you are travelling 'over mountains'. Snake-roads and quite very high then goes down, this road will definitely surpass your life's up's and down's. Manong was very skilled in handling the motorcycle and he really is a very good driver (using proper lights and horning in populated areas) he was able to reach Bucari in less than an hour with no hassle. He even brought us to areas that has a nice view while we were on the road.

Manong's motorcyle unit, taking you to places.

So first photo while on the road er cliff road, that's the edge with death below.

Before we went to the Bucari Campsite, Manong asked if we want to go to the Imoy Falls and we said yes so he took us there. The Imoy Falls is quite a distance from the Campsite but it was good (minus the under construction road) and a bit muddy.

The Road To Imoy

Take photos but appreciate Nature more.
 When we arrived at the area, there are several residents who are guarding the entrance. You are required to pay Php 20.00 for the maintenance and environmental fee because the residents are the one keeping the way clean and building new bridges or repairing old ones. They also sell organic honey, go try them. XD We had no tour guide so Manong was the one who 'tour guided' us.

Driver/Photographer/Tour Guide

The walk was not that long though.

Resident's children's play time

Okay. Passed by the first hanging bridge.

You can wade in this spot with life jacket if you want.
And finally we arrived.

The Imoy Falls
The falls didn't looked like what it seemed to be because Manong told us that the residents in here attach water hoses on top of the falls to gather water for their consumption. This decreased the flow of water and is causing the falls to be dried a bit.

With my back facing the falls, this is the view.

After having quite a photoshoot, we walked back to the area were we left the motorcycle to proceed to the Campsite proper.

The bridge, homebound.

Walking back home
Having a hard time here. XD
After travelling back to the Barangay Hall at Imoy, Manong took us to The Bucari Campsite where the real shit begins. As per arranged, Manong waited for us till we return but seeing that there are also many motorcycle drivers around, I guess I should have been fine if we let Manong leave.

The Bucari Campsite is available for accommodations but you can also trek the mountain without having to enter the campsite. Entering the campsite requires you to pay a fee (forgot but seems like Php20.00). 

We started to trek and I was amazed that this mountainside trek has a metal handrailing and stone stairs are currently being constructed.

Handrail for support and stepping stones currently being constructed. This is were your fees goes. Hahahahah.. kidding!

The trek was quite tiring and me, being unhealthy, made it quite harder. Stops were made but I didn't give up (insert "Keep Holding On" song). The good thing was the temperature was cold and good, the air was purely fresh (lighter than the usual air) and sweats feels like healthy ones (not sticky). It was like 30 minutes or so but to me it felt like forever.
Hooray! Thought it was the real summit, but nah. Still a long way up.

Good thing we arrived at the Summit Level 1 (I was fooled because there is another real summit and I invented this one). Beware that there are bees. 

The First Level. Nice view and I feel like going down already I thought it was over.
We saw people who still trudged to the right side, going to the another top. So tired as I was, I still went on. I am here now, why not finish it? So we reached the Second Level and this is where the famous instagrammable Fallen Tree is. 

Be brave enough to reach the edge. 

Looking down for real. This is where you land when you fall.

There are no guards here so if you fall, it will be kinda bone-breaking. The tree is also wet when it rains, the log kinda moves and is only supported with nailed branches. We continued trekking up and finally the reached the Last Level. 
I hope we're not lost.

I guess this is the Talon Peak. The highest peak of the range.

You climb on the flaglets base and reward yourself.

It is finished. YES!! I love how the clouds form horizontals.

We rested for a while and started to trek down after. We went inside the campsite and started to look for some cafeteria or food hall. The campsite has limited food services because being up in the mountain is no joke and the nearest town is sooo far away, so when going in groups it is much better to bring personal foods or order upon you arrive to avoid food conflict with other groups.

This is the first mountain I ever climbed and I am happy about it. You can enjoy it in a whole day, after that there is nothing much to do. Or you can return to town to enjoy their famous chicken delicacy.